Sunday, November 18, 2012


Radio is basically the transmission of signals through the air, used to convey voice. This was the first major step towards the media we know it today. It was basically the television without sight. Familes would gather together and listen to music, stories, or talk-shows through this magic box. While it lost popularity with the invention of the television and even more with personal music players, it still has a huge influence on society and media today.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Dreams are the stories played in your head while you rest your sleepy head. Everyone dreams. Sometimes we remember these dreams and are able to tell them word for word, other times we have no recollection. People who are more creative tend to remember there dreams better. Dreaming is one of the easiest ways to generate ideas and create new stories. Sometimes we see these dreams portrayed in the works  of directors, authors, and musicians. The dreams we have are portrayed as stories through entertainment and the media.


Sleeping is a must have state of rest for our body to ensure mental and physical health. As weird as it sounds, It kind of is an important part of the media. We all need to go to bed and sometimes stuff happens. The next morning, most people will ask you if you slept good or you might tell them of a dream you had. Sleep is one of the most talked about topics worldwide. Even the way we sleep is effected by the media. We see commercials for bed's, snoring stoppers, comfort and more. We see it in television and movies. The idea is everywhere.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Reality Television

Reality Television is a huge part of our media today. This term did not even enter social vocabulary until about 12 years ago. While its been around for many years, its main explosion occured with the creation of Survivor and Big Brother. These shows were kind of the precursors to reality television today, and they are still the leading shows in viewers. This new genre is the most popular in our media today. Everyone has that one show they watch every week. Its popularity is attributed to the fact that it is "real people" in "situations." Viewers can relate to these people and love rooting for the people similar to them.


It's safe to say the newspaper is one of the earliest forms of mass news information. While its hard to determine an exact date for the start of the newspaper, its safe to say it started around 1,000 B.C. Around this time, many renovations were taking place. The origins of Newspapers come from ancient rome. They were originally government announcments but eventually evolved to include all sorts of news. Today the Newspaper is still widely used. While its dying out to our new technology, the newspaper is still extremly influential today.