Sunday, December 9, 2012

Political Cartoons

Political Cartoons is one of the easiest ways people can have an influence on people... assuming their cartoon is understood. These cartoons are usually an illustration containing a commentary that usually relates to current events or personalities. Sometimes they are humiliating and cruel, other times they ring completly true. They have been around since about 1750, making them an important part of our media history.


1984 is a novel by George Orwell, written in 1949. This was a dystopian novel about the society of 1984, in which it is run by "The Party" and its totalitarian ideology. One of the main points of the book is that all of society is over seen by a power known as "Big Brother." This book is extremly important in the eye of our media today, especially because we are so interconnected and its very easy to be overwatched.


Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. It currently  sells Microsoft Operating Systems, of which they just released the 8th version, and Microsoft Office Programs. Microsoft released its first product in 1984 and has been releasing products ever since. One of its CEO’s, Bill Gates, was the world’s richest man for many years, but now holds the place of second richest.

The Harry Potter Series

This is without a doubt, the best selling book series to date. The story follows a boy, who finds out he is a wizard. Through the seven books, he makes his journey to the end, an ultimate battle of good vs evil. The first book came out in 1997. The series wrapped up this last year with the production of the last movie. The series, all together through merchandise, movies, books, and attractions, have taken in billions of dollars, making it one of the most profitable book series ever.

The Sims

The sims is a life simulation video game series created by Maxis. This game gives us the god like power to create people and control them in a life like world. From making sims fall in love, to cooking dinner, to getting a job, the possiblities are endless. This video game is one of the best selling games of all time. This begs the question that I asked in an earlier blog, Is it's appeal due to the fact that we "Want to be like god?"

Pandora Radio

Pandora Radio is a new and upcoming website that allows users to listen to radio stations for free. This station is unique though. Rather than just seaching through the stations, you can search for a genre, song, or artist. It will then match you to a station of music associated with the searched item, and provide you a station. This service is free, all though they are sometimes hit with the occasional advertisment. These can be avoided if you upgrade, for a cost.


When we think of sports, we think of competition, fun, and entertainment. Rarely we think about the impact of media, more specifically commercial advertising, of sporting events. Sunday afternoon, everyone gathers around the television to enjoy a game of football. The viewers are constantly being bombarded by products. Through commercials, sponsoring, and product placement. It has become so normal to us, we almost don't see it. Advertising almost becomes subliminal. We think were watching the game, but we are not aware of the underlying purposes of sports.


Apple is probably one of the biggest companines in the face of the media today. There are not to many people in our society who do not own at least one apple product. Created by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in 1976, it started off selling a simple home computer. Today their products include the ipod, iphone, itunes, imacs and other laptops, and much more. Their products help consumers connect to the virtual world. There most popular product, the iphone, does everything you could want when thinking about the media. It is a huge influence in our society today.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Google is quite possibly the most influential and powerful company when talking about the media and technology. What started off as a simple search engine is slowly starting to take over the web. It all ready dominates as the most used search engine. It also owns sites including Blogger, Youtube, and Picasa. It connects all of these things through the same profile. It's attempt at facebook, Google Plus, hasn't quite taken off yet but it's trying. Without Google, the internet, and even media its self, would be very different.


YouTube is another extremly powerful website today. This website gives users the power to upload their own videos, search for videos, and watch virtually anything. Some videos have become known as "Youtube Sensations" getting millions of views and media coverage. Some famous YouTube clips include Nyan Cat, Evolution of Dance, and Dumb Ways to Die. YouTube has also become a way of discovering talent. Everyday, people who have posted videos on YouTube are being interviewed on the news or performing on a talk show. YouTube is constantly talked about in the media and is an extremly powerful tool of the media.

Internet Memes.

Internet Memes have become extremly popular among young adults. These are characters that depict emotions, feelings or ideas. They usually will have a quote or a saying. Many times they are set up in a comic strip fashion. These memes have become super popular and are all over the internet. Faces include the Me Gusta face, poker face, and cereal guy.


Twitter is a very unique, and upcoming website. Users can post whatever they want, as long as it is 160 characters or less. You can "hash tag" items by putting the pound sign in front. This website has been around for a few years but has just recenlty taken off. Today, it is all over the media. While watching television shows, a little blurb will pop up with a hash tag. You can comment to this hashtag to portray your opinions and also see what other people have to say. This website gives users the power of feedback, making it unique, in-style, and powerful.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Facebook. Addicting, fun, interesting,..... POWERFUL! Facebook is probably the most popular website in the world. Everyone knows at least 10 people who have a Facebook. It connects the world and allowes you to keep in contact with people who, without Facebook, you would probably not see again. Facebook is so powerful it dropped the connectedness factor from 6 people to 3 people (this is the idea that everyone is connected through everyone else by going through 6 (or now 3) other poeple.) It is the biggest thing in our media today.


The Internet is probably the most well known invention in the history of the world. I don't think it would be even possibly to find someone who has never heard of it. It is the device that connects us through the world. The internet isn't even an object. It's basically a thundercloud, information being zapped all over the world through lightning. In a split second you could be talking to your cousin in Australia or reading about the politics of Russia. Society is so dependent on the internet, our world would have a meltdown if it were to ever be shut off. It acts as the biggest plug for any sense of media.

Personal Computer

The personal computer is arguably the most important invention of our time, both technologically and in the sense of the media. It combines the aspects of all the most important inventions up to date (Radio, Print, Film, and Television). It is a gateway to the internet, the most important invention of the media. Through our computer, with the help of the internet, we are virtually connected to the entire world. Information, entertainment, and society is connected through the click of a button. Without the invention of the computer, the television would still be the most important invention.


The Television, as we know it, has been available to the public since 1920. It was a huge step forward for society in the portrayal of information and entertainment. Moving pictures, programs, stories, and news were made easily available to the common family. It's ability to send pictures and sound through the airways combined the ideas of the Radio and of Film. It was a highlight or our technological and media advancment. It is also one of the 5 big inventions.


Film is one of the 5 most important inventions when talking about the radio. Film gave us the ability to record and show live moving pictures. Film was first created by taking multiple pictures, one after another, and then showing those pictures extremly fast. It started out kind of as a high tech flip book. People would pay to see short, 30 second clips, of these moving images. It was a marvel. Today, Film is still a huge part of our media and society. Movie theaters are still one of the highest grossing buisnesses today. Without the creation of film, we would be lacking on a lot of our technology.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Radio is basically the transmission of signals through the air, used to convey voice. This was the first major step towards the media we know it today. It was basically the television without sight. Familes would gather together and listen to music, stories, or talk-shows through this magic box. While it lost popularity with the invention of the television and even more with personal music players, it still has a huge influence on society and media today.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Dreams are the stories played in your head while you rest your sleepy head. Everyone dreams. Sometimes we remember these dreams and are able to tell them word for word, other times we have no recollection. People who are more creative tend to remember there dreams better. Dreaming is one of the easiest ways to generate ideas and create new stories. Sometimes we see these dreams portrayed in the works  of directors, authors, and musicians. The dreams we have are portrayed as stories through entertainment and the media.


Sleeping is a must have state of rest for our body to ensure mental and physical health. As weird as it sounds, It kind of is an important part of the media. We all need to go to bed and sometimes stuff happens. The next morning, most people will ask you if you slept good or you might tell them of a dream you had. Sleep is one of the most talked about topics worldwide. Even the way we sleep is effected by the media. We see commercials for bed's, snoring stoppers, comfort and more. We see it in television and movies. The idea is everywhere.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Reality Television

Reality Television is a huge part of our media today. This term did not even enter social vocabulary until about 12 years ago. While its been around for many years, its main explosion occured with the creation of Survivor and Big Brother. These shows were kind of the precursors to reality television today, and they are still the leading shows in viewers. This new genre is the most popular in our media today. Everyone has that one show they watch every week. Its popularity is attributed to the fact that it is "real people" in "situations." Viewers can relate to these people and love rooting for the people similar to them.


It's safe to say the newspaper is one of the earliest forms of mass news information. While its hard to determine an exact date for the start of the newspaper, its safe to say it started around 1,000 B.C. Around this time, many renovations were taking place. The origins of Newspapers come from ancient rome. They were originally government announcments but eventually evolved to include all sorts of news. Today the Newspaper is still widely used. While its dying out to our new technology, the newspaper is still extremly influential today.

Monday, October 29, 2012


Survivor is a reality game show.  In the show, contestants are isolated in the wilderness and compete for cash and other prizes. The show uses a system of progressive elimination, allowing the contestants to vote off other tribe members until only one final contestant remains and wins the title of "Sole Survivor." The concept was created by Charlie Parsons. While it has taken on many international versions it's main game is in the United States. Produced by Mark Burnette and aired on CBS.
   Survivor has been on the air since 2000 and has produced 25 Seasons, and is still contracted through season 28. Survivor is arguably the most influential television show in the history of T.V. It spawned a whole new genere, Reality Television.

Printing Press

We have talked about this in class a lot, but it needs to be mentioned. The printing press is a very influential part of our media history. The printing press is a device for evenly printing ink onto a print medium (substrate) such as paper or cloth. The device applies pressure to a print medium that rests on an inked surface made of moveable type, thereby transferring the ink. It made information fast, and was able to help information spread faster than ever before.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I feel like DVD's were a pretty important step forward in the history of Media and entertainment. Suddenly movies were more efficent to watch. You could skip scenes with the press of one button. No rewinding was necessary either. The DVD was developed in 1995 by Phillips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic. DVD's were able to hold much more information than Video Tapes and even Compact Discs. This was also much cheaper than Video Tapes.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Time is the earliest form of media there is. It’s the past, the present, and the future. It keeps the world ticking, explains when events occur, and much more. Without time we would literally have no social structure. The media works to influence people. Time does that better than anything else on this planet. It persuades us when to get up, when to eat, when to exercise, when to work and more. Many times we do these things because the clock tells us to, not because we feel like we need to. It does what the media only wishes to do.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Genes are what make us. Half come from your mom, half from your dad and together they create you. This is one of the earliest forms of media. The media works to to form, mold, and influence you into who you are. They show you what to believe, what not to believe, make you ask questions, but will give you answers. Genes do all of that. They influence your behaviors, your ethics, and your life. It's super weird to think about DNA and Media in the same catagory but it is media in probably the earliest form their is.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Pets are animals, of any kind, that have been tamed and trained to be kept as a friend or part of the family. They are loyal, kind, and adorable. They are a joy to have and can be great entertainment. If we look at media, one of their main goals is to entertain people. Pets = Entertainment = Media. It makes total sense. They are conversation starters, people try to have the best looking or the best trained animal, and they have a sense of pride for it. The media's goal is to get people talking and to be number one. The similarites are crazy, therefore I would consider pets to be an early form of media.


Messages are bits of information given to people either through notes, voice recordings, or sent along through people. This is especially true in the earliest days of civilization. Sometimes you didnt have a chance to meet up with people and Gossip they would have to find a different way to communicate. As we know with media, their job is to portray information. This is what the messangers were for. If you had to tell someone about upcoming events or just wanted to let them know of juicy secrets, they would have to give it to a messanger who would then relay that information to the selected recipient. They acted as a telephone. There service could easily be considered a form of media.


Gossip is an early form of communication in which people talk about and give opinions on current events. When looking at this in terms of media, this is it in its earliest form. The mission of the media are to portray information. Before television, radio, phones, facebook, and electricity, the only way this was possible was through spoken conversation. When this conversation was about people, there actions, or happenings around the cave dwelling it would have been considered gossip.(at least that would be the word for it today.)